Compliance Reporting

Compliance reporting is a big, time-consuming problem for many physicians. With CMS' Open Payments (Sunshine Act) reporting, numerous physicians are being impacted. Errors, omissions and misinterpretations in compliance reporting have led to protracted investigations, substantial expenses and/or a loss of public trust for a number of physicians.

Primacea assists physicians in preparing and maintaining up-to-date conflict of interest, conflict of commitment and similar reports relating to their engagements with industry and non-profits. To that end, we prepare documents listing all such relationships and related financial interests for each physician. We update these documents each time a physician enters into a new contractual relationship with a medical company or non-profit.

Primacea also provides physicians with tools for tracking time and expenses spent on industry collaborations. These tools, automatically generate invoices and assist with recording payments. They run on an online physician portal as well as an iPhone app.