Hospital Compliance Context

What do today's best hospital compliance systems do? Four things. First, they set rules that regulate physicians' outside activities. Second, they protect the hospital's name and its intellectual property by performing a low level review of every contract between their physicians and industry. Third, they require physicians to ensure the accuracy of their payment data in the Open Payments/Sunshine system, and then report the payments they have received. Fourth, the hospital/AMC confirms that there is synchronicity between what physicians (who are active with industry) have reported and the Open Payments/Sunshine system.
Unfortunately, without the support of an organization like Primacea, these compliance systems either don’t exist or wind up creating substantial administrative burdens on physicians who don’t have the time or the staff to properly manage their compliance requirements. That can be a fatal flaw. Physicians, who are neither secretaries nor bookkeepers by nature, lack the incentives and tools to make it work. So hospitals wind up spending a fortune on work performed by compliance staff, but still have to worry about investigations, unfavorable publicity, fines and lawsuits.
After spending five years working with physicians and managing their regulatory compliance issues, Primacea recently developed a “soup to nuts” Conflict Management and Reporting System for Academic Medical Centers. This solution has been used by top AMC’s to make the process of reporting conflicts dramatically more accurate and efficient. Read a case study HERE.